You are here & tv.iskon site.ini's makeup

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Hello, one request for @Mat8861 and @Blackbear199 as autors of croatian sites ini's, and, the problematic elements are:
for tv.iskon : 1. the lang= attribute should be hr insted of hu on all elements
2. sub-title element should be "title lang=xx" because that field contains original title of movies and series

and for : 1. category element picks up country data
2. title lang=xx element contains original title for movies which is ok, but contains subtitle for series. I don't know if its possible to have some conditionals in site ini's or maybe put it under sub-title element too to have same data under title lang=xx and sub-title lang=xx, since this site doesn't have season-episode data it'll be great for mdb matching.
I'm long time user but just started to setup mdb-postprocces and those elements breaks matching so if you please can fix it somehow.

Blackbear199's picture
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could you provide a few channel where your seeing this.
copy a few shows from your guide.xml and save them in a text file.
dont need your whole file.
most important is provide the site_id="xxx" from your webgrab config for the channel.

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i made some improvements.

for there's not much that can be done as there no way to tell if the second title is a subtitle or a original title.
its added to the beginning of the description.

for i fixed the category issue,it looks like there is no actual category values(channels that i checked)

**files removed.

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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you should leave title lang=xx for because now we dont have original title element that we can pars in eventual further procesing-scripting.
And considering tv.iskon the site always show original title under tag that is scrubed for sub-title, so it should be "title lang=xx" instead of "sub-title lang=hr" with your changed tv.iskon.ini I get this:
in the ziped file

**files removed,sorry i removed them by mistake.BB199

i meant yto edit my post and clicked on yours and didnt notice.

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WG++ Team memberDonator
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i know a lost cause when i see one and this is one.
sometimes this title is a subtitle and sometimes its a original title.
i removed my files i posted above and in my ini the original title/subtitle stays in the description.
case closed for me,if mat8861 wants to waste his time trying to fix something thats unfixable then he can have a go.

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@ BB199 I think you got me wrong on which ini I'm talking about, my previous post was mainly about tv.iskon.ini, when I grab channels with your new ini for one show it grabs title and original title with no subtitle element and for other show on the same channel and same ini it grabs title and sub-title element with no original title, and the actual data on the site is always original title, site never has episode name so the guide.xml should always have "title lang=hr" and "title lang=xx" please try grab this 3 channels from attached config and look at the grabed file for BBC Eart and FOX Crime shows for those elements if you can.
Thanks for the effort.

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