Dear Members,
I have a problem about ini file.
I have two "title" entry almost for each show.
XML looks like:
<programme start="20200620013000 +0200" stop="20200620014500 +0200" channel="Kiwi TV">
<title lang="hu">Rubi Szivárványiában</title>
<title lang="hu">Rainbow Ruby</title>
<sub-title lang="hu">koreai-kanadai-amerikai animációs sorozat</sub-title>
<desc lang="hu">Rainbow Ruby-ra minden barát számíthat, ha segítségre van szüksége! Amikor Choco maci rubint szíve izzani kezd, indulhatnak is a varázslatos útra Szivárványiába, hogy találkozhassanak a bajba jutott játékokkal. Rainbo$
<icon src="" />
<rating system="HU">
The second "title" entry is wrong. It's the original title, and it's not 'hu' but english.
My main concern is that my EPG parser grabs the second "title" tag, as it maybe overloads the first one.
I did not had this problem with earlier ini files.
See the attached screenshot.
Maybe anyone? :)
titleoriginal.modify {addstart|'description'}
titleoriginal.modify {addstart('description' not "" lang=en)|'description'}
this will make the english title use lang="en" instead of lang="hu"
if you want to remove the english title completely simple disable the above line by adding a * to the beginning of the line.