<programme start="20150906112000 +0200" stop="20150906122500 +0200" channel="Crimen & Investigación">
<title lang="es">Peligros ocultos: En el hogar victoriano</title>
<title lang="xx">Hidden Killers of the Victorian Home</title>
<desc lang="es">La doctora Suzannah Lipscomb intenta descubrir las claves de algunos de los crímenes con más repercusión del pasado</desc>
<category lang="es">Series</category>
<category lang="es">Misterio</category> <episode-num system="onscreen">S1E1</episode-num>
<value>(Hidden Killers of the Victorian Home) </value>
but doesnt recognize this:
<programme start="20150907174500 +0200" stop="20150907184000 +0200" channel="LA 1">
<title lang="es">Acacias 38</title>
<desc lang="es">Una historia de ricos y pobres que conviven en un único espacio, en un portal situado en el número 38 de la calle Acacias. Allí florecen sentimientos como el amor, los celos, las pasiones, las venganzas, los odios y la alegría. La familia Serna, los Álvarez- Hermoso, los Hidalgo, los Palacios, sus criadas y la gente del barrio pasan cada día por la puerta de esta escalera. Una telenovela española que se desarrolla entre finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX y que pretende contar la historia de un grupo de sirvientes y las familias burguesas para las que trabajan. La ficción es una idea original de Susana López Rubio, Aurora Guerra, Miquel Peidró y Josep Cister. Entre sus referentes hay series como "Criadas y Señoras", "Downton Abbey" o "Arriba y Abajo", pero también mucho de la literatura española de aquella época como "Fortunata y Jacinta" o "Misericordia". Se trata de una serie coral en la que intervienen muchos actores conocidos por sus trabajos en la pequeña pantalla (Sheyla Fariña, Roger Berruezo, Sara Miquel, Andrea López, Inés Aldea...). Está rodada en dos platós que suman 2.600 metros cuadrados para recrear los interiores y los exteriores del portal</desc>
<category lang="es">Series</category> <episode-num>Temporada 1 Episodio 107</episode-num>
I don't know why TvHeadend doesn't recognize the episode info. So if 1. works, it is because the system="onscreen" is missing. If only 2. works, it is because it only recognizes the S##E## format.
Let us know what worked for TvHeadend. 1, 2 or maybe you must do both?
I do a modificacion of plus.ini to get the episodes in the xmltv_ns, util for tvheadend backend and the digital video functions (duplicate episodes, etc...)
Here are the result (if you want, you can add the code to the download section):
site {url=plus.es|timezone=Europe/Madrid|maxdays=14|cultureinfo=es-ES|charset=UTF-8|titlematchfactor=70|ratingsystem=ES|episodesystem=xmltv_ns}
site {keepindexpage}
urldate.format {datestring|yyyy-MM-dd}
*index_showsplit.scrub {multi(includeblock='index_variable_element')|"CODIGO":|"TITULO"|},{|}]}}
index_showsplit.scrub {multi|"MARCA":'index_variable_element'|"TITULO"|},{|}]}}
index_start.scrub {single|HORA_INICIO|":"|"}
index_stop.scrub {single|HORA_FIN|":"|"}
*index_title.scrub {single(separator=":""(" include=first)|:"||",} * Para que pille la informacion entre parentesis (como VOS o T3) que luego es importante para hacer programaciones de grabaciones
index_title.scrub {single(separator=":" include=first)|:"||",}
index_title.modify {cleanup}
index_category.scrub {single|GENERO|":"|"}
index_category.modify {cleanup}
index_category.modify {remove|\}
index_urlshow {url||"URL":"||"}
index_urlshow.modify {remove|\}
index_urlshow.headers {customheader=Accept-Encoding=gzip,deflate} * to speedup the downloading of the detail pages
title.modify {addstart|'index_title'}
*title.scrub {single|<div class="aper_claim aper_claim_iplus">|<h2>|</h2>|</div>}
titleoriginal.scrub {single|<h1 itemprop="name" class="h-epsilon">|(|)|</h1>}
titleoriginal.modify {remove|)}
subtitle.scrub {single(separator=":" include=2)|<div class="title-image">|<h1 itemprop="name" class="h-epsilon">|</h1>}
subtitle.modify {cleanup}
temp_1.scrub {single|<div class="title-image">|TEMPORADA|</|</h1>}
temp_1.modify {cleanup}
temp_3.modify {addend ('temp_1' not "")|'temp_1'}
temp_3.modify {calculate(not~"/" format=F0)|1 -}
temp_2.scrub {single(separator=":" include=first)|<div class="title-image">|Episodio|</h1>|</div>}
temp_2.modify {cleanup}
temp_2.modify {calculate(not="" format=F0)|1 -}
episode.modify {clear}
episode.modify {addend('temp_3' >= "0")|'temp_3'}
episode.modify {addend|.}
episode.modify {addend|'temp_2'}
episode.modify {addend|.}
episode.modify {clear(="..")}
description.scrub {multi|<div itemprop="description"|<p>|</p>|</div>}
description.modify {cleanup}
director.scrub {single|Director</h3>|<span itemprop="name" >|</span>|</p>}|<h3}
actor.scrub {multi|<h3 class="heading">Reparto</h3>|<span itemprop="name" >|</span>|</div>}
productiondate.scrub {single|<p itemprop="datePublished"|content="|"| >}
showicon.scrub {single|<div class="cover">|<img src="http://d57e32cb.static.ziggozakelijk.nl/%7C"| alt}
My ini file for plus.es still works for movistarplus.es, I'll copy at the end my last version of it.
But... I detect today one error. Same show, the last show of the day don't appear on the xml. I don't know why. I try to debug my file but I forgot the languague of the .ini files and don't find the documentation; also try to find a new fresh and updated .ini file but now it's encrypted! So I can't do so much...
If anyone know where is the documentation I'll try to fix it...
I confirmed this bug. For example:
TvHeadend recognizes this:
<programme start="20150906112000 +0200" stop="20150906122500 +0200" channel="Crimen & Investigación">
<title lang="es">Peligros ocultos: En el hogar victoriano</title>
<title lang="xx">Hidden Killers of the Victorian Home</title>
<desc lang="es">La doctora Suzannah Lipscomb intenta descubrir las claves de algunos de los crímenes con más repercusión del pasado</desc>
<category lang="es">Series</category>
<category lang="es">Misterio</category>
<episode-num system="onscreen">S1E1</episode-num>
<value>(Hidden Killers of the Victorian Home) </value>
but doesnt recognize this:
<programme start="20150907174500 +0200" stop="20150907184000 +0200" channel="LA 1">
<title lang="es">Acacias 38</title>
<desc lang="es">Una historia de ricos y pobres que conviven en un único espacio, en un portal situado en el número 38 de la calle Acacias. Allí florecen sentimientos como el amor, los celos, las pasiones, las venganzas, los odios y la alegría. La familia Serna, los Álvarez- Hermoso, los Hidalgo, los Palacios, sus criadas y la gente del barrio pasan cada día por la puerta de esta escalera. Una telenovela española que se desarrolla entre finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX y que pretende contar la historia de un grupo de sirvientes y las familias burguesas para las que trabajan. La ficción es una idea original de Susana López Rubio, Aurora Guerra, Miquel Peidró y Josep Cister. Entre sus referentes hay series como "Criadas y Señoras", "Downton Abbey" o "Arriba y Abajo", pero también mucho de la literatura española de aquella época como "Fortunata y Jacinta" o "Misericordia". Se trata de una serie coral en la que intervienen muchos actores conocidos por sus trabajos en la pequeña pantalla (Sheyla Fariña, Roger Berruezo, Sara Miquel, Andrea López, Inés Aldea...). Está rodada en dos platós que suman 2.600 metros cuadrados para recrear los interiores y los exteriores del portal</desc>
<category lang="es">Series</category>
<episode-num>Temporada 1 Episodio 107</episode-num>
First of all, this is NOT a bug!
The <episode-num> can be in any format. That is the entirely up to the site you get the info from.
But you can try 2 things to make TvHeadend see the episode-num.
Add to your siteini:
Add to your siteini (at the end):
I don't know why TvHeadend doesn't recognize the episode info. So if 1. works, it is because the system="onscreen" is missing. If only 2. works, it is because it only recognizes the S##E## format.
Let us know what worked for TvHeadend. 1, 2 or maybe you must do both?
With the first option works perfectly
the second option don't try
thanks a lot
I do a modificacion of plus.ini to get the episodes in the xmltv_ns, util for tvheadend backend and the digital video functions (duplicate episodes, etc...)
Here are the result (if you want, you can add the code to the download section):
site {url=plus.es|timezone=Europe/Madrid|maxdays=14|cultureinfo=es-ES|charset=UTF-8|titlematchfactor=70|ratingsystem=ES|episodesystem=xmltv_ns}
site {keepindexpage}
urldate.format {datestring|yyyy-MM-dd}
*index_showsplit.scrub {multi(includeblock='index_variable_element')|"CODIGO":|"TITULO"|},{|}]}}
index_showsplit.scrub {multi|"MARCA":'index_variable_element'|"TITULO"|},{|}]}}
index_start.scrub {single|HORA_INICIO|":"|"}
index_stop.scrub {single|HORA_FIN|":"|"}
*index_title.scrub {single(separator=":""(" include=first)|:"||",} * Para que pille la informacion entre parentesis (como VOS o T3) que luego es importante para hacer programaciones de grabaciones
index_title.scrub {single(separator=":" include=first)|:"||",}
index_title.modify {cleanup}
index_category.scrub {single|GENERO|":"|"}
index_category.modify {cleanup}
index_category.modify {remove|\}
index_urlshow {url||"URL":"||"}
index_urlshow.modify {remove|\}
index_urlshow.headers {customheader=Accept-Encoding=gzip,deflate} * to speedup the downloading of the detail pages
title.modify {addstart|'index_title'}
*title.scrub {single|<div class="aper_claim aper_claim_iplus">|<h2>|</h2>|</div>}
titleoriginal.scrub {single|<h1 itemprop="name" class="h-epsilon">|(|)|</h1>}
titleoriginal.modify {remove|)}
subtitle.scrub {single(separator=":" include=2)|<div class="title-image">|<h1 itemprop="name" class="h-epsilon">|</h1>}
subtitle.modify {cleanup}
temp_1.scrub {single|<div class="title-image">|TEMPORADA|</|</h1>}
temp_1.modify {cleanup}
temp_3.modify {addend ('temp_1' not "")|'temp_1'}
temp_3.modify {calculate(not~"/" format=F0)|1 -}
temp_2.scrub {single(separator=":" include=first)|<div class="title-image">|Episodio|</h1>|</div>}
temp_2.modify {cleanup}
temp_2.modify {calculate(not="" format=F0)|1 -}
episode.modify {clear}
episode.modify {addend('temp_3' >= "0")|'temp_3'}
episode.modify {addend|.}
episode.modify {addend|'temp_2'}
episode.modify {addend|.}
episode.modify {clear(="..")}
description.scrub {multi|<div itemprop="description"|<p>|</p>|</div>}
description.modify {cleanup}
director.scrub {single|Director</h3>|<span itemprop="name" >|</span>|</p>}|<h3}
actor.scrub {multi|<h3 class="heading">Reparto</h3>|<span itemprop="name" >|</span>|</div>}
productiondate.scrub {single|<p itemprop="datePublished"|content="|"| >}
showicon.scrub {single|<div class="cover">|<img src="http://d57e32cb.static.ziggozakelijk.nl/%7C"| alt}
Hi everybodoy,
My ini file for plus.es still works for movistarplus.es, I'll copy at the end my last version of it.
But... I detect today one error. Same show, the last show of the day don't appear on the xml. I don't know why. I try to debug my file but I forgot the languague of the .ini files and don't find the documentation; also try to find a new fresh and updated .ini file but now it's encrypted! So I can't do so much...
If anyone know where is the documentation I'll try to fix it...
It happen for example con COSMO channel on https://www.movistarplus.es/guiamovil/COSMO/2021-01-01 the last Episode of Fleabag (Ep. 6) don't appear on XML file.
Thanks a lot!
* @header_start
* WebGrab+Plus ini for grabbing EPG data from TvGuide websites
* @Site: plus.es
* @MinSWversion: V1.1.1/54
* @Revision 4 - [17/02/2016] Blackbear199
* - fixed index_showsplit,actor,director,productiondate scrub.
* @Revision 3 - [04/09/2015] Francis De Paemeleere
* convert to classical credits
* @Revision 2 - [23/07/2015] Willy De Wilde
* New website, rewrite
* Thanks to aleceuta for finding the json webpage
* @Revision 1 - [23/07/2014] Jan van Straaten
* - fixed start time errors and added episode, rating and productiondate
* @Revision 0 - [16/07/2014] Francis De Paemeleere/ Jan van Straaten
* - creation
* @Remarks:
* @header_end
site {url=movistarplus.es|timezone=Europe/Madrid|maxdays=16|cultureinfo=es-ES|charset=UTF-8|titlematchfactor=70|ratingsystem=ES|episodesystem=xmltv_ns}
site {keepindexpage}
urldate.format {datestring|yyyy-MM-dd}
*index_showsplit.scrub {multi(includeblock='index_variable_element')|"CODIGO":|"TITULO"|},{|}]}}
index_showsplit.scrub {multi|"MARCA":'index_variable_element'|"TITULO"|},{|}]}}
index_start.scrub {single|HORA_INICIO|":"|"}
index_stop.scrub {single|HORA_FIN|":"|"}
index_title.scrub {single(separator=":" include=first)|:"||",}
index_title.modify {cleanup}
index_category.scrub {single|GENERO|":"|"}
index_category.modify {cleanup}
index_category.modify {remove|\}
index_urlshow {url||"URL":"||"}
index_urlshow.modify {remove|\}
index_urlshow.headers {customheader=Accept-Encoding=gzip,deflate} * to speedup the downloading of the detail pages
title.modify {addstart|'index_title'}
*title.scrub {single||||}
titleoriginal.scrub {single||(|)|}
titleoriginal.modify {remove|)}
subtitle.scrub {single(separator=":" include=2)|||}
subtitle.modify {cleanup}
temp_1.scrub {single||TEMPORADA|}
temp_1.modify {cleanup}
temp_3.modify {addend ('temp_1' not "")|'temp_1'}
temp_3.modify {calculate(not~"/" format=F0)|1 -}
*temp_2.scrub {single||Episodio||}
temp_2.scrub {single(separator=":" include=first)||Episodio||}
temp_2.modify {cleanup}
temp_2.modify {calculate(not="" format=F0)|1 -}
episode.modify {clear}
episode.modify {addend('temp_3' >= "0")|'temp_3'}
episode.modify {addend|.}
episode.modify {addend|'temp_2'}
episode.modify {addend|.}
episode.modify {clear(="..")}
description.scrub {multi|||}
description.modify {cleanup}
director.scrub {single|Director|||}|Reparto|||}
productiondate.scrub {single|}
showicon.scrub {single||
Hi! Good news! I found the solution:
Simply change this line:
index_showsplit.scrub {multi|"MARCA":'index_variable_element'|"TITULO"|},{|}]}}
With this one:
index_showsplit.scrub {multi|"MARCA":'index_variable_element'|"TITULO"|}|}]}}
It was a bug, maybe it was there from the beginning, and maybe it still there on the current .ini, but it's now encrypted, so.... I can't check it.
Same admin may do that I hope.