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Unhandled Exception during MDB

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Unhandled Exception during MDB

Hi guys,

I have been using this software for daily updates for several months now without any issues but last week something changed and I am now getting unhandled exception errors during the MDB phase of series matching. I had not done anything different or made any changes to my configuration prior to this issue occurring.

I updated to the latest Beta as well as latest site ini files as of today but I still get the issue. It seems intermittent in that it doesn't always fail on the same show.


The error is shown below, I will also attach my log and config files along with the preprocessed xml file.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



[  Info  ] Serie: 56/2048 ..  Clangers
[  Info  ]           Episode Name: Crash Bang Chicken; Lonely as a Cloud
[  Info  ] "Clangers" + "Crash Bang Chicken; Lonely as a Cloud" + (2015) + "" .. found Show_id , 79166/all/en?
[  Info  ] No match in !!
[  Info  ] "Clangers" + "Crash Bang Chicken; Lonely as a Cloud" + (2015) + "" .. found Show_id , 0065282, 4771826?
[Critical] Unhandled Exception
Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  at WGconsole.Scrub.Select (System.String[] from, System.String whathow) <0x40b26b50 + 0x003db> in <filename unknown>:0
  at WGconsole.Scrub.Edit (System.String element, System.String[] operation, System.String condition) <0x40a12ee0 + 0x02c77> in <filename unknown>:0
  at WGconsole.Scrub.ScrubOperations (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 operations, System.String type, Boolean channelfile, Boolean next) <0x40a0a000 + 0x02553> in <filename unknown>:0
  at WGconsole.PostProcess+MdbScrub.GetMusthaveCompare (WGconsole.MdbIni mi, System.Xml.XmlNode show, System.String type) <0x40b16ff0 + 0x00c23> in <filename unknown>:0
  at WGconsole.PostProcess.PostProcess_MDB () <0x40adb000 + 0x0193b> in <filename unknown>:0
  at WGconsole.PostProcess..ctor (System.String[] processes) <0x40ad8b10 + 0x00923> in <filename unknown>:0
  at WGconsole.Program.ConsoleApplication (System.String[] args) <0x40948880 + 0x067c3> in <filename unknown>:0
  at WGconsole.Program.Main (System.String[] args) <0x409470c0 + 0x00097> in <filename unknown>:0
[Critical] For detailed info, see log file /volume1/Media/DVR/XMLTV/wg++/WebGrab++.log.txt
[Critical] Execution stopped

Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 4 years

Unfortunately this is the case for me as well. When MDB (imdb) processing starts I get the Unhandled Exception with the two last betas 56.20 and 56.21 and it quits from there. 56.15 works fine though.  


[Critical] Unhandled Exception
Objektreferensen har inte angetts till en instans av ett objekt.
   vid WGconsole.Grab.FetchHtmlPage(String[] urls, String target, SiteIni siteini, String[] headers, String type, Boolean allowed)
   vid WGconsole.PostProcess.PostProcess_MDB()
   vid WGconsole.PostProcess..ctor(String[] processes)
   vid WGconsole.Program.ConsoleApplication(String[] args)
   vid WGconsole.Program.Main(String[] args)
[Critical] For detailed info, see log file C:\ProgramData\ServerCare\WebGrab\WebGrab++.log.txt
[Critical] Execution stopped

Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 4 years

Beta 56.22 produces the Unhandled Exception as well (same log). MDB processing is broken. Going back to last working version 56.15 once again.


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I will have a look what happened with mdb in the latest beta's


Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 4 years
WGMaker wrote:

I will have a look what happened with mdb in the latest beta's


Wow, awesome beta release Jansmiley It not only fixes the Unhandled Exception during MDB error, but also fixes the hugely annoying 404 error. Imdb mdb prostprocessing went from 2,5 hours to 7m 56sec. Thanks for the great worksmiley There was a remaining inconsistency though. These errors, which doesnt seem to be actual errors, were printed at start of the log, but grabbing was successful anyways:

 [Error   ] Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=SE SVT 1 HD) in the config file
[Error   ] Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=SE SVT 2 HD) in the config file
[Error   ] Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=SE TV3) in the config file
[Error   ] Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=SE TV4) in the config file
[Error   ] Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=SE Kanal 5) in the config file
[Error   ] Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=SE TV6) in the config file
[Error   ] Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=SE Sjuan) in the config file
[Error   ] Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=SE TV8) in the config file
[Error   ] Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=SE Kanal 9) in the config file
[Error   ] Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=SE TV10) in the config file
[Error   ] Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=SE TV12) in the config file
[Error   ] Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=SE Animal Planet) in the config file
[Error   ] Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=SE Discovery Channel) in the config file
[Error   ] Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=SE SVTB/24) in the config file
[Error   ] Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=SE Kunskapskanalen) in the config file
[Error   ] Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=SE Axess) in the config file

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