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New Series/Episode info in Title

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New Series/Episode info in Title


I am wondering if I can get some help please. I am using the file for EPG as it provides me with the Series and Episode data, which I don't get with the, but my issues is I would like the new episode/series info on the title for shows that airing the new seasons/episodes for the first time.

I used to get that info in the title with, but with the info is at the end of the descriptions.

Can I get that info in title with And how do I do this. I am very new to this so don't know how to use rex.

I would like this because I use the EPG in TVHeadend, and like to autorec shows. It makes it so much easier if there is New in the title, then I sent 1 autorec timer for that particular show and each time a new season comes out it records automatically.

Many thanks in advance for your help.

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