Hi there (my first post)
WG++ version: 3.1, Win10
Trying to grab:
Note the time information is given as:
13:00 - 13:38
i.e. as start time - end time (no date here)
I got my first ini-file going, and the individual programme's are grabbed - BUT something strange is happening with the auto-date-calculation performed by the processing.
In attached "WebGrab++log.txt" file you can see the following lines:
... some info on how Elements are scrabb'ed ... and then:
[ Debug ] Converted to:
16.08.2020 14:30:00
[ Debug ] Debugging information SiteIni
[ Debug ] Element: INDEX_START
[ Debug ] html source written to : C:\WebGrabPlus\SiteIniIDE\SiteIni_DebugArea\kvf.fo\html.source.htm
[ Debug ] scrub strings:
[ Debug ] type & arguments : single(debug)
[ Debug ] blockstart (bs):
[ Debug ] elementstart (es):
[ Debug ] elementend (ee): -
[ Debug ] blockend (be):
[ Debug ] xmltv starttime string:
20200817143000 +0000
Note that the date for "xmltv starttime string" (17/8) is not the same as the date for "Converted to" (16/8) !
Also note that for all entries above this, everything is OK ("Converted to" matches "xmltv starttime string").
Could someone take a look at the ini- and log-files, and give me some clue ?
Best regards
Main problem was timezone wrong, is not utc. Also stop is incorrect for this site
Thanks for helping out. I will try the new ini file when i'm back home.
Perfect. That was it.
Once again: Thanks for the support.
Best regards