Hello all,
i need help with this simple site. I can´t find the correct entrys in the Ini file. I get all time No Index Page.
It will be the first own creation, but i Need help-
Please could some one take a look inside?
Hello all,
i need help with this simple site. I can´t find the correct entrys in the Ini file. I get all time No Index Page.
It will be the first own creation, but i Need help-
Please could some one take a look inside?
Brought to you by Jan van Straaten
Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
Supported by: servercare.nl
Yes Goran, that the correct way. I think i have all lines wrong , correct?
Hello i Need help for this small side.
I don´t get a result at this Moment.
My Questions are:
Is it possible to use the " data-timespan" for Start Scrab? And how does it needs to be add.
I have Problems to add the title and the discriptions
THX kvanc. Did you have a example ini where i can find the steps?
u do know u have a major hurdle to overcome for this ini?
thats the start and stop date in the url_index.
the dates are monday-sunday so unless ur only going to run this ini once a week on monday there is no direct way for webgrab to calculate the correct start date,the end date is simpe to get once u have the start date.
there is no benifit to running it daily as its a weekly schedule but are you going to go through the hassle of running this one 1 ini once a week on monday.
the other option is u have to figure out what the date would be on monday,then calculate what the stop date is from that.as i said above wg cannot do this directly so u have to come up with a way to figure this out.
i have many sides with the same construct Mo-Sunday.
It is not possible to use urlweek.format? like kw ( kalendar week)?
I know the grab start is only usefull on Monady
your first 2 sites are not the same as tvaktuell.
both are a multi-day programming on a single index page(maxdays=7.1) but their schedule always runs monday-sunday and **NO URLDATE** is used.read the manual about firstday=
tvackuell is different in that the date on monday and the date on sunday needs to be calculated regardless of which day of the week you grab the data on,see the difference?
once u figure out how to calculate these 2 dates to get the data its exactly same as the first 2 sites as its a monday-sunday schedule.
this is not the field of dreams.you have to work with what u have to accomplish your goal.
1.calculate todays date based on the urldate in a format u want(ex dd-MM-yyyy).
2.calculate what weekday today is based on the urldate(hint:yesterday i posted a link for about about date/time formats).what is returned is based on the culture-info= setting(de=DE in this case) so the result your looking for would be Montag,Dienstag,Mittwoch,ect.
3.once you know what weekday it(step 2) and know what the date is today(step 1) you can figure out what the date is on the monday of this week(ex step 2 returns Donnerstag(Thursday) so Thursday(Donnerstag) is the 3rd day from Monday(Montag)), 28-03-2019(calculated in step 1) - 3:0:0(3 days(step 2)) = 25-03-2019(this can be formatted at the time of calculation to what you need for ur ur_lindex line(dd-MM format).
4.once you know the date from step 3 all you need to do is add 6 days(the week is 0 based 0-6 for 7 days) to it to calculate the end date for the url_index line.
do one step at a time and add debug to see if your getting the correct result for each step.
perfect. this was the problem . I try do understand this stuff, but i comes not from IT brance. THX for you help.
you need to go back to square 1.
look at ur showsplit,it dont make sense to me,have you checked this in debug to see if its ok?
u have todo this stuff as u cannot assume that its ok.
the earlier in the ini u have something incorrect the problem compounds downward all the way to the end of the ini.
i will show u mine,look at it and ask why i do something if u dont know what something does...
its the only way ur going to learn.
typing in stuff for scrubs and assuming its ok leads to nothing but more trouble..
in my ini u will notice i choosed another route..
rather than using firstday= in the site {xx} line i used index_date and scrubbed the first day of the schedule which is monday.
normally index_date is just used as a comparison for webgrab(most creators rarely use it) to verify that the date of the first show matches todays date.
using the special argument "force" forces webgrab to use this date as the date of the first show so webgrab starts adding the shows with the date of monday rather than today,this achieves the same results as not using the index_date.scrub(sometimes the site may not have this available) and using firstday= instead.
u should not combine the 2 as one affects the other.
to change the ini to use firstday= all u have todo is disable or delete the index_date scrub and add
firstday=1234560 to ur site {xx} line.
if u do not know what 1234560 means for firstday see the manaul but basically it means the number of days to skip from sunday.since this this schedule runs monday-sunday we want to skip 1 day so firstday= starts with 1.
if the schedule ran sunday-saturday u dont want to skip any days so would be firstday=0123456
Hello Blackbear,
your ini has more details and it´s professionel. At this moment i trained and don´t know the spezial formulars. i have to practice, practice, practice. My knowledg need more of the spezial formular. I will discover your ini to make it beter in the past.
My intension was to receive the Days "Montag-Freitag" but i doesen´t known how.
Let me inspect the ini to learn more and find better understoud.