Not sure if i placed it in correct forum thread but hopefully someone can help me with it.
My setup:
WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version V3.1.8.0
Running on: Unix
Environment: 4.0.30319.42000
Mono version: (tarball Mon Feb 22 17:30:48 UTC 2021)
It is running as docker on debian stretch 9.13 os, arm64 board
docker: linuxserver/webgrabplus:arm32v7-version-V3.1.8
Title and subtitles are index names and not actual titles of the program. Below is the extract from the webgrab log.
[ Debug ] Can't match any (sub)detail title(s) with any index title(s):
[ Debug ] index title(s):
[ Debug ] "polsat-news-hd-153364289"
It has started around a week ago or longer (not sure) and after a few days on 14/06/2022 (sure) i had a success but after that same problems on daily basis (sure). Previously I had no problems with it running since july 2021.
I haven't been browsing website previously so not sure if it looks any different now or if they made any changes.
Please find attached "1.EPGtv.zip" with necessary files, output file renamed "guide_downloaded.xml".
Thank you in advance
Fixed, update site ini pack or download here https://github.com/SilentButeo2/webgrabplus-siteinipack/tree/master/site...
Thank you for looking into it.
I didn't want to update docker so I tried to run with installed version and it had same problem but only on a few channels from my list. Cpu usage was high during run of this config and it took 16 minutes where as tv.wp.pl took 10 minutes and cpu usage was lower so i think i will stay with tv.wp.pl if version of webgrab requires update.
Channels that had same problem:
Polsat News HD
Tvp 1 HD
Polsat HD
Attached are the logs.
I had to remove your logs, because (again) you posted your license data.
May be we are miss-understanding each other, at post 2 i asked you to update siteini.pack (not to update docker or wg++).....you can update siteini.pack running in path .../.wg++/bin/SiteIni.Pack.Update.sh
Last note set your timespan to 6 (timespan is 0 based so 0=1 day, 1=2 days so to have a week you set timespan 6)
and you will not have error.
Thank you for doing that and apologies for uploading config file with credentials.
Docker has config directory that it stores the config files in and i updated 2 files "onlinetv.inea.pl.ini" and "onlinetv.inea.pl.channels.xml", i couldn't find SiteIni.Pack.Update.sh but it is not important i assume as long as ini files are updated. I opened github link you provided, clicked on raw, select all + copy and pasted into notepad++, saved as "onlinetv.inea.pl.ini" and "onlinetv.inea.pl.channels.xml" and transferred over to config directory used by docker.
I updated config time span to 6 but still 3 channels show same information in log.
Hi to avoid confusion ( i fixed a small problem also)i changed siteini to * @Revision 2 - [19/06/2022] WGT*Mat8861*update
please re-download
Hi, I updated to latest ini and no errors this time, thank you. Attached are the logs and downloaded epg in case you need to review.
Sorry for late reply, please increase your timeout. a good sample:
I didn't expect reply as all was working. Regarding timeout i think 80 is way too much. In my case it retried 2 times so i assume it established connection on 3rd attempt, i.e. 15 seconds later. At least that is what i understood reading https://webgrabplusguide.github.io/#:~:text=Retry%20time%20out%20means%2....
Have a good weekend.
Correct and can also have additionals commands as described here:
Although for me is better to add it do the site line of the site.ini and not as a general setting.
Anyway a higher setting allows wg++ to "wait" for the reply, that is good on sites that have big index/multi channel page, so when you see a timeout retry is always good to increase it, either in config or as i said adding timeout to site line of the site.ini, wg++ in anycase will run as fast as it can (in your log is orange.pl).
Thank you for explaining that some are managed in site.ini and some from general config file. I will set it higher.