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Which Beta to use for MDB?

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Which Beta to use for MDB?



there is some confusion over which WG++ version to use for MDB postprocessing:


56.15 works !!
it contains Postprocess 1.12 with a
- fix : matchoptionals in series didn't work because the episode_id was not yet available


56.16 doesn't work !! due to a problem outside the mdb section (config parsing)
but it contains Postprocess 1.13 with
- changed : Searching for mdbini's now in fixed locations, WGHome(commandline or default) subfolder MDB, subfolder siteini.user and siteini.user
- added     : <filename> & <ldbfilename> can now be a relative path (seen from the mdb.config.xml file)
- added     : <filename> can now be a relative path (seen from the rex.config.xml file)


56.22 doesn't work !! Same problem as 56.16
contains - Postprocess 1.14 with:
- fixed : retry run with series mdbini's failed due to leftover mdb_episode_id from previous first run


56.23 works !! Recommended
Postprocess 1.14 as in 56.22. With it you can specify a second seriesini to enable a retry run


Brought to you by Jan van Straaten

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